If you love Mexican Style Street Corn then you will love this recipe! This salad is delicious, filling and easy to make. The light dressing is made with the classic ingredients to bring all the zing and creamy goodness to your table. 

Street Style Roasted Potato Salad

-500g baby potatoes, halved

-2 cups broccoli florets

-1 green pepper, chopped

-½ cup leeks, chopped

-1 220g White Mexican Corn, drained

-2 tbsp olive oil, divided

-½ tsp garlic powder

-½ tsp onion powder

-salt and pepper, to taste

1 Toss the potatoes with one tablespoon of olive oil, black pepper, garlic and onion powder. 

Air fryer - Air fry at 180C for 15 minutes until the potatoes are roasted and cooked through. Meanwhile, toss the broccoli, leeks, white corn and pepper with the remaining olive oil. Add these vegetables to the air fryer when the potatoes are still cooking, after about 10 minutes since they started. Stir so they roast evenly. Continue roasting until the vegetables are done and roasted. 

Oven - Roast the potatoes at 180C for 25 minutes or until roasted and soft. Meanwhile, toss the broccoli, leeks, white corn and pepper with the remaining olive oil. Add these vegetables to the baking tray with the potatoes while they are still cooking about halfway through their cooking time.  Stir so they roast evenly. Remove from the oven until the vegetables are roasted and golden brown. 

2 Transfer the roasted vegetables to a serving bowl and toss with the dressing while they are still warm and serve with the suggested toppings.


- 2 tbsp mayonnaise

-1 tbsp creme fraiche

-1 tbsp pickled jalapeno vinegar

-½ lemon, juice

-1 pickled jalapeno, finely diced

-½ tsp garlic powder

-½ tsp onion powder

-Tajin or Piko, to taste

- salt, to taste 

1 Whisk all the ingredients together and adjust seasoning to taste.

To Serve

- Feta cheese, crumbled

-Tajin or Piko, to taste

-fresh coriander, to taste

1 Return the roasted vegetables to the bowl and toss with the dressing whilst still warm.

2 Serve with crumbled feta cheese on top, coriander and more Tajin or Piko to taste.